Sunday, August 02, 2009

Outlander (Outlander, #1) Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Claire Randall and her husband Frank are spending some time in the Scottish highlands at a bed and breakfast, becoming reacquainted after a long separation necessitated by World War II. While exploring, Claire comes upon a stone circle which seems to be the meeting ground for a group of women. Returning later to the stone circle to find a plant she wanted a sample of, Claire finds herself drawn to the cleft in one stone. Suddenly, she finds herself thrown into chaos and when she recovers her senses, she believes that she is still in the same place. She finds herself in the midst of a squirmish between redcoats and Scotts in kilts and becomes aware that maybe she is not in the same place after all. She meets Jamie Fraser and begins a relationship that is unlike any she has ever known.

This book has everything - drama, romance, war, science fiction, fantasy, time travel - all twisted together in a masterful story that kept me turning the pages despite its length.

View all my reviews >>

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