Thursday, July 02, 2009

Kiss of Midnight (Midnight Breed, #1) Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
Gabrielle Maxwell is a photographer who is going out to celebrate a successful showing of her work with her friends. Instead of just going out to dinner, her friends decide to take her to a new club, La Notte, to dance and drink. Gabrielle is reluctant, but goes along for a while. She decides to leave the club and head home, but on her way out, she sees what appears to be a gang beating up and killing another person. She tries to call 911 on her cell phone, but cannot get through, so she uses her cell phone camera to snap pictures of what is happening, then flees the scene to go to the police station to report the crime. Unfortunately, when police go to the scene there is no sign of the crime at all. This is the beginning of Gabrielle's entry into the world of vampires and she will soon meet the darkly handsome Lucan Thorne who she thinks is a police detective, but who actually is a warrior fighting against evil. This was another interesting take on vampires, with a whole new set of rules that are both the same and different than other vampire myths. I enjoyed this one enough that I may read the next in the series.

View all my reviews.

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